Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mr Darling's Chance Calculator Algorithm!

Yes, I made an algorithm for "love." But in my defense, so did a lot of female-targeted magazines! This little toy was originally made to be a feature in the now-dead fourth edition of Miscellanea Magazine. Unfortunately, my laptop went kapoof shortly before school started and it was never fixed. The articles were taken out of the hard drive but by then the Hell known as Grade Eleven had already begun so I had neither the time nor the energy to go around and finish formatting all the articles.

If you'd like to see all of them, here's a link to the .ZIP Archive.

And now, preeeeeeeeeesenting MR DARLING'S CHANCE CALCULATOR ALGORITHM! This took ages to format; all those arrows.... -shudder-

It would be convenient if you first find out whether you're as close to the object of your affections as you think. And keep in mind that Honesty is the Best Policy: be brutally honest, just to be safe--it's better to get a pleasant surprise than shattered, illusions, no?



Patricia said...

Ah, Mags. I love how Friend-Zoned is in a fearsome dark red!
Very good algorithm. We need to get you a boy-toy, my sweet, because you cannot keep wasting your time like this!
Don't worry. We'll troll the promenade outside my house. Mowat boys! :D

Unknown said...

YESSSSSSSSS. Pat, you're my hero.