Saturday, May 8, 2010

Celebrate spring by spreading the cure!

EDIT: To those wondering, here's what's gonna go down:

FOOD. Refreshments in the form of Sandwiches provided by the Royal Canadian Legion Hall!

LIVE MUSIC. Courtesy of our swingin' retro live band, Blue Ice, and featuring the Scarborough Historical Museum's Youth-Run Jazz Band. Prepare for a real HOE-DOWN!

DRESSED TO THE NINES. Girls in pretty dresses & handsome boys in suits--yes, this is a semi-formal event!

DOOR PRIZES. Feel like you want to walk away with something? Want to be rewarded for dressing up? Glad to receive some cool things just for being charitable? We've got lots to give away!

SILENT AUCTION. And, if you want to be more giving (and get some even cooler stuff), prepare for a kickin' silent auction! Featuring gift baskets, pricey coupons, and beautiful artwork from some of our sponsors!

THAT WARM FUZZY FEELING. Keep in mind that all proceeds (yes, even profits from the bar that will be available) will be going towards charity! The majority will go towards the Leprosy Mission Hospital in Naini, India and proceeds made at the the cash bar will go towards the Royal Canadian Legion.


On Saturday, May 22nd, 2010, from 7:00 pm to 12:00 am, come to the attend the Spring Fling Charity Social to help spread the cure of leprosy!

The Social is a semi-formal charity event hosted by Patricia D'Silva, a 16-year-old humanitarian from Toronto, Ontario. All proceeds from the sale of tickets and items auctioned at the event will go towards funding the Leprosy Mission Hospital in Naini, India.


Last summer, Patricia went on her own dime to volunteer at the Leprosy Mission Hospital in Naini, India. There, she learned the truth about leprosy worldwide. 

Leprosy is a well-known disease that dates back to biblical times. Although modern-day medical breakthroughs have found a cure for the disease, it is still very prevalent in developing countries. Leprosy sufferers often don't have the funds to pay hospital fees and some simply do not have access to well-equipped, proper medical facilities. 

On top of that, there is still a significant amount of social stigma attached to the disease. It is neither sexually transmitted nor highly infections and in fact, almost 95% of people are naturally immune. However, the social stigma attached to the disease still remains an obstacle to self-reporting and early treatment. Sometimes, even after the patients have been treated, they cannot return to their homes because they have been ostracized.

The Leprosy Mission is a global nonprofit charity that supplies facilities to spread the cure of leprosy in developing regions of the world. The Naini Hospital is one hospital in the Leprosy Mission network. While the Hospital receives some funds from the Leprosy Mission, these funds are not nearly enough to cover the cost of supplies and equipment. The donations the Mission receives in general must be spread worldwide to various branches of the organization.

The Hospital's finances are further strained by the influx of patients it must accommodate every day. Not only does the Hospital treat leprosy patients, it also acts as a general treatment facility for hundreds of other patients. These patients arrive from all over Northern India because the Naini Hospital is the only clinic for miles with clean equipment, proper supplies, and formally educated physicians.

After working with the doctors at the Naini Leprosy Mission Hospital, Patricia decided that she wanted to do something to help out the Hospital. So she returned to Canada with aspirations to start a charity and raise funds for the Hospital. 

The Spring Fling Charity Social will be the first major fundraising event Patricia has planned. She hopes to reach her goal of $1000, on top of the costs of planning the event.


To keep a position on Patricia's event-planning staff, I've designed a flyer for the Social. Details for the event can be seen below. Hope to see you there!