Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bailey's Blog: Everything's Okay... Everything's Going to Be Okay... REALLY?! [Repost]

Hey all--lazy weekend, so it's going to be another repost. This one's from a friend I met at the ESU program at Queen's University one summer day in 2010. Those of you from Ms. Mo's Grade 10 Gifted class will remember that fantastic week....

But enough about us.

This article's rather thought-provoking and the point-blank prose speaks aloud what I believe many people think once they've gotten to know a few close friends.

Everyone has a story. And everyone has a cover.


Bailey's Blog: Everything's Okay... Everything's Going to Be Okay... REALLY?!

Everyone is perfect. Everyone has the perfect life. Everything is okay. Everything is going to be okay. Everyone is happy. Everyone has one big happy family. No one is left alone. No one cries. No one is heart broken. Everything... Is... Okay...

That's what they want us to believe. That's what we want to believe. It's easier. The world is perfect. We can just relax. Ignore everything. Because, everything is okay.

But is it?

I was walking through the hallways at my high school today when it hit me; that's what it looks like. Everyone has this face, this mask, that any outsider percieves as they're okay. But, sometimes, you have to wonder what's going on behind that mask. Whose heart broken? Whose depressed? Who had a fight with their parents this morning? Who doesn't have parents? Are they really okay?

Maybe it's none of anyone else's business. But I realized you can't judge a person by what they look like.

I grew up in a world where everything was perfect. Families stuck together. We never fought. Everyone had a Mom and a Dad. No one was struggling. No one was sick. There wasn't a single worry about money. Everyone was happy. Everything was okay... and always would be. But I guess, not everyone is so fortunate. It was kind of a eye-opener when I started high school.

I met a girl. She lost her mother three years ago. I met a guy. He lost his father three years ago. I met a girl; her father's hanging on for his life. Someone just broke up with someone they still loved. Before walking out the door this morning, a girl had a fight with her mother. One girl lost her sister... Less than a year ago. A bunch of people lost a friend.

But they still smile. Or at least, pretend to. No one knows the difference.

It amazes me how strong they can be, to put on this mask when they come to school and give off the impression that everything is fine.

That's until you meet them, talk to them and maybe if they're comfortable with you, they'll tell you... that's when you realize you can't possibly judge someone from a first impression or glance.

Is everything okay?

I don't think so.

I wish it were though.


Unknown said...

Hey Maggie!
Of course I remember you! :) One of the most amazing weeks of my life too, that week at Queen's.
I'm glad you liked my blog entry :)