Friday, August 6, 2010

This is what happens when I don't get sleep, sugar, or meditative medication

EDIT: Blinded by a haze of violent red, I was unable to find the tiny "Sign out of Messenger" link sneakily sitting atop my various linked inboxes. I was, logically enough, looking for a "Sign out" option under the Messenger menu in the left-hand side Navbar. Thanks a lot, Convenience.

I hate many things. Many things make me angry. Sometimes, I shouldn't be angry. This post will be very anger- and intra-centric.

See, I've been waiting for emotional inspiration for a blog post. That's why all of July has no posts. Because I was too busy sleeping, eating, and enjoying the unmoderated freedom of student Summertime. See, once summer begins, you stop feeling like doing shit. Any kind of shit. In fact, you start to feel like plain shit. Not the bad kind. The plain kind. The I-don't-want-to-do-anything-and-feel-like-calling-"stuff"-shit-because-I'm-too-angry-and-lazy-to-use-polite-language kind of feeling.

This all leads to something very relevant: writing and throwing things around because emotions strike and the only way to deal with them is to write and throw things around.

POP QUIZ! What's more satisfying than the gunshot-like sound of a 600-page hardcover book hitting a creaky wooden second-story floor? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

It also helps to imagine that sound effect paired with the image of someone's head.

Anyway. Many things set me off.

1) Food.
2) People shrieking passionate nonsense under the guise of Aspiring for the Common Good. Otherwise known as "Politics."
3) MSN trying to be cool and incorporating Online Messenger into Hotmail. This is the root of this hour's problem.

I've been writing two blogposts. Call me a hypocrite. One is about food. The other is Passionate Nonsense about Politics.

This blog post will be about MSN Trying to be Like Google.

Let me set some things straight:
I do not need to chat with people when I am already communicating with them through e-mail. 
I do not need to see a list of everyone who is online when I already have a list of everyone who is online open.
There is a reason websites like Meebo exist.

This new "Messenger inside Hotmail" feature that CANNOT BE DISABLED as far as I know annoys me beyond the fact that I now have three congruent Stephens and four congruent Jameses in my list because it MAKES EVERYONE'S UNIQUE DISPLAY NAME THE SAME, LIKE STUPID COMMUNISM.

Sorry. I lost it a little there. I'm a little off the kilter right now. A little off-centre and I'm out of tune. Just kicking this can down the avenue. But I'm alright.

Why the hell do I need an online messenger PERMANENTLY open and disrupting the beautiful layout of my Inbox?

Why the hell do I need a browser-based messenger open AT ALL when my Live Messenger Client is working PERFECTLY FINE?

Why do I need to be interrupted in my calming daily inbox check by annoying popups from people I did not want to and did not expect to talk to?


If I needed a browser-based Messenger, I'd use Meebo or the MSN version--WHEN I NEEDED IT. Not EVERY FREAKING TIME I checked my email!

Not to mention that when I check my email, people automatically ASSUME I'm available to chat with because the stupid thing makes my status Available. Well, I'M NOT and I don't wish to be!

I'm already annoyed at the stupid Facebook Chat. I'm just popping in to check my Facebook inbox and notifications. I don't want to a little box popping up with a "Hello" that flashes on every Facebook tab I open! It makes the whole thing lag and distracts me from what I intended to do! If I wanted to chat with someone, I'd have used the already established methods of LIVE MESSENGER, PHONE, AND TEXT.


Rant over. Too lazy to screenshot.

Now I will relieve myself with some tea, chocolate, and reading. Goodnight.


Anonymous said...

You can sign out of the Hotmail Messenger permanently by signing out of regular MSN, then signing out of Hotmail MSN (click your name, sign out of messenger). It'll remember that you opted out of the Hotmail messenger. Yay for lurking on MSN!

As for FB Chat, it seems to remember that I've perma-signed out every time I log in. Never had a problem with that. =S

Maybe check your cookie settings? There's no need for raging - if all else fails, check Yahoo Answers! =)

Unknown said...

Wow, what surprisingly refreshing immediate rage relief.

I was so, so very angry when I clicked the "Messenger" thing in the sidebar and there was no easily accessible "Disconnect" button.

I dislike inconvenience and things I cannot control.

Saravanan said...

Used to be into politics. But it really is a load of bullshit. Politicians can't face the real issues that plague our society cause they fear that the change will bring the end of their political careers. So they stick to pointless reforms and tax drops.

Terence Ho said...

As I said before, Microsoft is actually slowly trying to rid humanity of its originality by setting everyone's display name to their actual name. Dystopia alert!
Anyways, there was a time when I wanted to get into politics. Then I realised, as Saravanan said, that the political sphere is a bunch of babbling buffoons who get paid for being exactly that. They don't actually serve their constituents/whomever they purport to represent. But I still find politics interesting to debate about; it's just something that I'll never get into as a job.